Te Reo Ake o Ngati Porou - Toitu Te Reo

September 2016


The Ngati Porou Reo Strategy document has been published into a 40 page publication which has been enhanced with additional content and imagery.The revitalisation of te reo ake o Ngati Porou is one of the key priorities of Toitu Ngati Porou, the cultural arm of Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou. In 2015, a review of reo strategies previously developed by TRONPnui and its predecessor TRONP was conducted by Dr Wayne Ngata, on behalf of Toitu Ngati Porou. The best components were identified, and along with his own knowledge and expertise of current reo acquisition and revitalisation strategies, Dr Ngata developed a refreshed Ngati Porou Reo Strategy. Toitu presented the Ngati Porou Reo Strategy to TRONPnui for approval in May 2015 which triggered an approach to the Ngati Porou Holding Company for an extraordinary distribution dividend. $500k was subsequently approved and committed for Ngati Porou Reo revitalisation.
