Te Poho-o-Rawiri Marae

Ko Titirangi te maunga,
Ko Turanganui te awa,
Ko Ngati Oneone te hapu,
Ko Rawiri Te Eke-tu-o-te-rangi te tangata.


Te Poho-o-Rawiri


Te Poho o Hine i Tuhia

Nga Kaitiaki

Chairman - Harata Gibson

Secretary - Hinehou Smiler

Treasurer - Tasha Irwin


(Marae Bookings)

The Pa

(06) 867 2021


Tasha Irwin

027 458 0337


To visit Te Poho o Rawiri marae on Facebook click here or visit their website http://ngationeone.weebly.com/

If information about your marae needs to be updated, corrected or added to, please contact us here at ngatiporou.com.

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