The importance of fostering te reo in whanau and community environments is essential for the acquisition, use and normalization and prioritization given to to tatau reo. The challenge of creating these environments is significant and requires sustained, committed and vigilant efforts to korero i nga wa katoa i nga waahi katoa. We need to literally focus on whanau by whanau and household by household to achieve the sustained effort and focus required. We also need to create and nurture hapu, marae and community environments that support and reinforce individual and/or collective whanau efforts.
Programme 3 is based on the feedback received from Iwi members requesting that Reo acquisition in the home be prioritised.
The purpose of this programme is to support whanau who have mokopuna/tamariki that are learning in and through te reo Maori and who want to make a commitment to develop and strengthen their use and proficiency in Ngati Porou Reo, within their home.
Programme 3 is targeting 200 Ngati Porou whanau, who have sought the support of their marae, hapu, rohenga tipuna and/or taurahere to whakapakari their reo.
This programme will be available for two years. Successful applicants will only be able to access one funding grant during the course of this funding programme..
All successful grants will be for the period of one year.
Applicant groups can apply for Up to $10,000 to support a minimum of 20 whanau/ households. The programme is expected to fund seven marae, hapu collectives and/or rohenga tipuna, and three taurahere applicant groups per year.
As we have a limited amount of funding we will be making a contribution to the costs of the programme but not likely to fund full programme costs. While we have set out some guidelines in the application form, it is our expectation that proposals will seek additional funding and resources from within their own membership, or from other organisations.
This opportunity is provided to ensure that a range of successful language initiatives and activities are supported. Therefore, priority selection will be given to applications:
from marae and hapu collectives, rohenga tipuna and taurahere with established programmes capable of engaging, supporting and mentoring a minimum of twenty whanau households who are committed to developing their proficiency in and use of Te Reo in their homes, in the work place and in their communities.
that target whanau households with tamariki in Māori immersion education, or Māori language learning in mainstream education
that have established ties to existing reo learning programmes (such as Porou Ariki Reo Wananga, Taurahere Reo Programmes, Te Ataarangi, He Kāinga Kōrerorero, He Kura Whanau Reo sponsored programmes)
that have been endorsed by the marae and hapu collective/rohenga tipuna or taurahere and will be supported by the Reo champion
Proposals must also:
Reo champions will work with their hapu and/or marae collectives /rohenga tipuna or taurahere to complete a Kainga Reo application in 2017.
Applications to the programme will receive support and confirmation from the Runanganui within one month of applications closing.
As only seven hapu/marae/rohenga tipuna and three taurahere whanau collectives can be supported in any one year, this funding programme will have notified opening and closing application dates. The Ngati Porou Reo Panel will assess all application and decide on the successful 7 Hapu and/or Marae collectives and/or rohenga tipuna and the 3 taurahere applicant groups in any one year.
The opening and cut-off date for applications has been set to allow all eligible applicant group sufficient time to prepare their proposals, submit applications and complete projects within 12 months, UNLESS an alternative arrangement is agreed by the Ngati Porou Reo Panel.
Undoubtedly, all activities undertaken will benefit the acquisition, use and promotion of our reo in some way. It is important however that we capture evidence about our successes so that we can be accountable to ourselves as an iwi for our reo investments, we can share ‘best practice’ and ultimately achieve our long term vision of a vibrant and living Ngati Porou reo.
All projects supported by this opportunity will be expected to report on outcomes achieved; and report back in person on their activities at the Runanganui Hui a Tau
Applications open 22nd of August and close on Monday 23rd October 2017. To apply for funding, request an application form from the Ngati Porou Reo Programme Coordinator:
Rapaea Parata
Te Toka a Taiau,
Shed 3,
The Esplanade,
PO Box 394,
Gisborne 4010
Ph: 06 867 9960
Cell: 021 863 114
For more detailed information about the implementation of the strategy and funding programmes, please download Nga Mahi Whakarauora Reo Revitalisation Programmes Guide.