20th Anniversary of Pa Wars

20th Anniversary of Pa Wars
Thirty-three events are on offer, catering for all age groups and interests from table tennis, to trivial pursuit, A new event for 2015 will be Ngati football (soccer).
January 25, 2024

The 20th anniversary of the Ngati Porou Inter Marae Sports Festival 2015 (aka Pa Wars) will be held in Ruatoria, at Ngata Memorial College on Saturday January 3rd.

The one day event is being hosted by the Ruatoria community with the support of Nga Marae o Ngati Porou mai i Potikirua ki te Toka a Taiau and Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou.
Pa Wars is  a time to celebrate family values and kinship in a fun atmosphere of friendly competition and healthy lifestyle. Over the past two decades the festival has become an icon for those families coming home for the Christmas break since 1995. To our knowledge this is the only iwi sports festival run on this scale. This was reaffirmed by the 2006 festival being nominated and winning the 2006 Maori Sports Award for Community Initiative.

Thirty-three events are on offer, catering for all age groups and interests from table tennis, to trivial pursuit, A new event for 2015 will be Ngati football (soccer). There will also be a Nati Insure booth at the Pa Wars for those marae with inquiries about the scheme, and also the winning marae of the Nati Power competition will be announced.

The day kicks off at 8.30am with a team parade by marae teams.

For more information go to our events page  or visit  https://www.facebook.com/Ngatiporoupawars