Dawn Ceremony 2025

Tera te haeata takiri ana mai ki runga o Hikurangi

Whakanuia te maioha a Te Takapau a Maui,
hanake haramai ki te whakatau i te rua ngahuru o nga tau
ki runga o Hikurangi

25-year anniversary of Te Takapau a Maui

This celebration provides the opportunity for tribal members and their manuhiri to welcome in the new year and the first rays of Tama-Nui-Te-Ra aloft our sacred mountain. It is here among these nine spectacularly carved whakairo, created for Year 2000 Millenniumcelebrations, where a karanga will welcome in the new year, followed by a karakia, haka and waiata. At the conclusion of the ceremony korero will be provided about the whakairo who represent Maui and his whanau, before everyone descends back down the maunga to the Pakihiroa Woolshed for a BBQ breakfast.

For first-timers or returning attendees, this uniquely cultural and spiritual experience begins with a 3.30am start assembling at the Pakihiroa Woolshed. Four-wheel drive vehicles are a necessity to make the 45 minute (or 10.5 km) journey up the maunga where participants gather at Te Takapau a Maui Tikitiki a Taranga.

REGISTRATION: For safety reasons the number of vehicles for the Hikurangi Dawn Ceremony is capped so registration is essential to secure your spot. Please read through the following information prior to completing your registration.


3.30am   ​Assemble at Pakihiroa Woolshed flat
approximately 1.75km along Pakihiroa Road – see link following for a photo of the area

​​Health & Safety | Register & Vehicle checks

4.15am   ​Depart for Te Takapau a Maui

5.00am   ​Assemble in parking area adjacent to Te Takapau a Maui

5.15am   ​Dawn Ceremony commences

​​Karanga |Karakia |Haka | Whakatau  

6.30am   ​Descend from Te Takapau a Maui

7.30am   ​Barbeque breakfast at Pakihiroa Woolshed

Due to health and safety requirements, for all those wishing to participate, you will be required to:

1. Complete the registration form (attach link)
registrations closes 5pm on the 29th December

2. Organise your own 4WD transport that meets our requirements listed below

3. The weather on our Maunga is very changeable please ensure that you have the appropriate clothing and footwear.

The track to the Maui Whakairo is for 4WD vehicles only. It is a very steep farm track with large drop-offs so extreme care whilst driving is required.


a. It is highly recommended that your driver is experienced in 4WD off-road driving.

b. All 4WD vehicles must be road legal – current warrant of fitness, registration and road user (if diesel).

c. Recommend High/Low gear ratio – low ratio is required in some steeper sections.

d. All Terrain or Mud Grip tyres with plenty of tread.

If your vehicle and driver do not meet the requirements above, please do not put yourself or your whanau at risk.

Please note that the dawn ceremony is dependent predominantly on weather conditions. If the weather forecast is not suitable, the organising committee will determine whether to cancel and those who have registered will be notified on the afternoon of the 29th December.

For weather updates check the links below.

Metservice: https://www.metservice.com/rural/gisborne#!/ruatoria

ACCU Weather: https://www.accuweather.com/en/nz/ruatoria/248318/daily-weather-forecast/248318

To register please click on the following link: https://forms.office.com/r/S2c2MTYR2G

For further information, contact:
Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou
