Final report on the review of TRONPnui Trust Deed released before Hui a Tau

Final report on the review of TRONPnui Trust Deed released before Hui a Tau
"The next step of the Trust Deed Review process will take place at the TRONPnui Hui a Tau (AGM) on Saturday the 25th of November. During the hui the TRONPnui board will present the board’s own recommendations on the Trust Deed to Ngati Porou beneficiaries."
May 20, 2024

The second and final report on the review of the Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou Trust Deed has just been released, and follows on from the first report published in July.

David Gray, the author of both reports, was commissioned by the Runanganui at the beginning of the year in the role of independent advisor. The role involved gathering the views and submissions from Ngati Porou whanau and iwi members about the TRONPnui Trust Deed and how the model of representation, registration, voting and accountability requirements set out in the Trust Deed can be improved upon. Other feedback not necessarily about the Trust Deed was also accepted and analysed. This feedback was then presented as main themes, as well as recommendations made by the Independent Advisor based on those themes.

As part of the Trust Deed review feedback process, two separate rounds of consultation hui were held within the Ngati Porou rohe, and in communities around Aotearoa and in Australia where large numbers of Ngati Porou reside.  Following the first round of hui in April/May this year, a second round of hui followed in September which provided the opportunity for the TRONPnui board to present the first report and recommendations to Ngati Porou members.

The next step of the Trust Deed Review process will take place at the TRONPnui Hui a Tau (AGM) on Saturday the 25th of November. During the hui the TRONPnui board will present the board’s own recommendations on the Trust Deed to Ngati Porou beneficiaries.

The 2017 Hui a Tau will be held at Hauiti marae in Tolaga Bay, and Ngati Porou are welcome to attend in person, or to listen to the live radio broadcast or catch the live web-stream.

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