Get on the waka now whanau says new TRONPnui CE

Get on the waka now whanau says new TRONPnui CE
It is now time for Ngati Porou to stand up, come forward and bring their collective and diverse skills from economic, social and cultural arenas to help transform our tribal vision into reality.
January 15, 2024

THE 2015 elections for Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou mark an important milestone for the district's largest iwi says chief executive Dean Moana who is making a last call for candidates to get their nominations in before they close this Wednesday.

“For the past 30 years our former chairman the late Dr Apirana Mahuika was a powerful and passionate advocate for the iwi,” said Mr Moana.

“Through his leadership and drive he set the vision and foundation for Ngati Porou. It is now time for Ngati Porou to stand up, come forward and bring their collective and diverse skills from economic, social and cultural arenas to help transform our tribal vision into reality.”

“TRONPnui has grown its asset base to over $200 million in the past four years. It is important that Ngati Porou ensure they nominate the right people with the right skills and backgrounds to manage and grow our collective asset base as well as advocate on behalf of our collective interests.

“Most importantly they are committed and passionate about our Ngati Poroutanga by creating opportunities to empower our people towards self -determination and prosperity.”

Mr Moana's comments come as he finishes his first week in his new role as the runanganui's chief executive.

“After many years living and working away I have made the decision to come home and contribute to Ngati Porou as I feel it is time for me to stand up and step forward and bring my skills here. I will be making sure my whanau are enrolled and participate in this year's elections. One of the major challenges for our iwi currently is that many Maori are politically apathetic and do not vote.This is not just a Ngati Porou problem but also a regional and national problem at local body and general elections,” he said.

Nominations for the election close at 12 noon on Wednesday, August 12.

TRONPnui is made up of 14 elected representatives who must be adult members on the Ngati Porou register.There are seven rohenga tipuna with each area represented by two members. At least one member of each rohenga tipuna must be noho kaenga (residing within the Ngati Porou rohe). Elections are held every four years.

The election will be managed by the Christchurch based election management company Ltd which also conducted the last national local body elections and managed the TRONPnui elections in 2011. Voting begins in mid-September and to be eligible to participate tribal members  must be enrolled on Ngati Porou register as adult members.

Mr Moana's final message is “the next TRONPnui elections will be held in four years time, so whanau you need to get on the waka now.”