Going out to the people is first priority says new CE

Going out to the people is first priority says new CE
"Part of the first days of the job will be learning about all the staff, about what they do, how they do it, looking into whether we can do things better."
January 25, 2024

Last week Dean Moana, was named as the new Chief Executive of Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou. Shortly afterwards the former Taperenui a Whatonga pupil was interviewed on Radio Ngati Porou and talked about growing up in Rangitukia, the multiple industries he has worked in, and what motivated him to apply for the top job.

During the interview Dean told Nga Take o Te Wa host Ken Eruera that it was both a honour and a privilege to be selected, and also used the opportunity to acknowledge everyone who had been involved in setting up and supporting the development of Ngati Porou’s tribal organisation.  

“Even though some of them have passed on, they can all be proud of the enterprise that is now the Runanganui. It’s got assets, it’s delivering socially and culturally to Ngati Porou. All the past and present trustees and staff have to be proud of what they have achieved.”

One of the catalysts Dean says inspired his decision to apply for the Chief Executive position was the recent passing of Dr Apirana Mahuika, the former Chairman of the Runanganui.

“He leaves a huge legacy…his single mindedness, his drive, his philosophy of Ngati Porou first, second and third. Those are big shoes for all of us to follow. And so you start to think when people of his ilk pass on, and we’re starting to lose our elders, it’s time for younger fellas to step up. That contributed to my decision to move out of what I’m doing now and come back home.”

Dean will officially join the organisation at the beginning of the August. Currently he is based in Palmerston North where he has been the Chief Executive of one of Aotearoa Fisheries commercial divisions for the past ten years.

One of his first priorities for when he starts the new role is to get out around the rohe and gain feedback from people about the Runanganui. He will also go around to all the Runanganui offices to gather information.

“Part of the first days of the job will be learning about all the staff, about what they do, how they do it, looking into whether we can do things better. The key thing is how do we balance expectations with delivery. So what resources do we have? Money and people - you need the people to get things done. I’m looking forward to meeting them all. “

Dean says he is excited about the opportunities that are ahead for him and for Ngati Porou.

“We need to look really long term… And I know most people when they talk about long term planning they are talking 3 and 5 years. But for us we have to look abit further. We have to fix a vision in our minds about what do we want Ngati Porou, particularly at home, to look like  in that future.”

To listen to the entire interview which aired on Radio Ngati Porou on Friday the 24th of April click here.