Have your say about the Ngati Porou conservation strategy

Have your say about the Ngati Porou conservation strategy
Nga Whakahaere Takirua will provide a long-term strategy for the care, use and management of conservation areas across the whole of Ngati Porou
January 15, 2024

A key component of the Ngati Porou Treaty Claims Settlement included the provision for a strategic conservation partnership to be created between the Crown and Ngati Porou. Nga Whakahaere Takirua is the name of the conservation management strategy which will help give effect to this partnership.

Over the next 12 to 18 months, Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou and the Department of Conservation will be working together to facilitate opportunities for Ngati Porou whanau and hapu, and the other members within our East Coast communities, to help shape what this strategy will look like.

Once finalised, Nga Whakahaere Takirua will provide a long-term strategy for the care, use and management of conservation areas across the whole of Ngati Porou. Included as part of the strategy will be Nga Paanga Whenua o Ngati Porou, 22 conservation lands within the Ngati Porou rohe administered by DOC.

Nga Whakahaere Takirua will contain policies, objectives or outcomes for the integrated management of the natural and historic resources of Nga Paanga Whenua o Ngati Porou. If you would like to share your aspirations and concerns about conservation areas within the Ngati Porou rohe, there are a number of options available to have your say.

Wananga in December 2015
In December the first round of a series of consultation hui will be held. These wananga will provide an opportunity for attendees to share their experiences, practices and aspirations for good environmental and conservation management into the future.

10am–3pm, Hinerupe Marae, Te Araroa

10am–3pm, Taumata o Mihi (Rauru) Marae, Ruatoria

10am–3pm, Whangara Marae,

Online surveys
Share your whakaaro about nga Paanga Whenua o Ngati Porou, or other conservation sites and places in the East Coast and why they are significant to you by completing an online survey at the website www.doc.govt.nz/nga-whakahaere-takirua. You can also download the survey form from this site and post or email it back.

Submission process in 2016
In mid-2016 there will be an opportunity for individuals, hapu and other groups within Ngati Porou to make submissions on a draft version of Nga Whakahaere Takirua. These submissions will all be considered before Nga Whakahaere Takirua is finalised.

For more info about the upcoming wananga or Nga Whakahaere Takirua go to www.ngatiporou.com or www.doc.govt.nz

Tina Swann, Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou
Email: tswann@tronp.org.nz
Tel: 06 867 9960

De-Arne Sutherland, Department of Conservation
Email: dsutherland@doc.govt.nz
Tel: 06 869 0460

Nga Whakahaere Takirua
Ngati Porou Claims Settlement Act

Background information

Nga Whakahaere Takirua