Iwi’s hub for the future

Iwi’s hub for the future
Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou says its Te Tini o Porou complex in the former DB Hotel turns what was once a place centred around alcohol into a community hub based around the well-being of whanau.
January 15, 2024

Written by: By Kristine Walsh ( Gisborne Herald)

Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou says its Te Tini o Porou complex in the former DB Hotel turns what was once a place centred around alcohol into a community hub based around the well-being of whanau.

The day began early with a dawn karakia but the main event started just after 9am with a mihi from TRONPnui  chairman Selwyn Parata and a blessing by Derek Lardelli and Rev Canon Morehu Te Maro. The actual ribbon cutting was done by those who represent both the past and the future of the facility — John Shields, who has lived across the road for more than 45 years, was joined by seven children each representing one of the seven rohenga (marae and hapu clusters) of Ngati Porou.

There was a last-minute flurry when it was realised the child representing one rohenga had been unable to make it. However, the day was saved when five-year-old Summah Smith, mokopuna of Hikurangi Foodmarket co-owners Lynda and Henry Rasmussen, stepped in to fill the breach.

“The ‘DB’ is now the ‘TP’,” Mr Parata told hundreds of people gathered for the opening.