JOIN THE CONVERSATION: TRONPnui Trust Deed Review Call for Submissions

JOIN THE CONVERSATION: TRONPnui Trust Deed Review Call for Submissions
Are there some things TRONPnui SHOULD be doing, that we are not doing? Are there some things TRONPnui are doing, that we should STOP DOING or IMPROVE upon?
May 20, 2024

The TRONPnui Trust Deed review represents a significant and exciting opportunity for all of Ngati Porou to have their say about the future of Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou and its subsidiaries. The Review process began in October 2016 and will be completed by May 2018. Over the next 2 months, until the end of May 2017, Ngati Porou will have the chance to express their whakaaro about the organisation in Round One of the Submission process.  

Five year review

TRONPnui  has been operating since the TRONPnui inaugural election in September 2011. After five years of ‘test driving,’ the relatively newly established entity, the review provides the opportunity for Ngati Porou to consider:

Are there some things TRONPnui SHOULD be doing, that we are not doing?
Are there some things TRONPnui are doing, that we should STOP DOING or IMPROVE upon?

(To find out more about the Trust Deed and the purpose behind the review please click here: )

We need your whakaaro!

Your whakaaro and feedback is crucial in helping to create the future shape and direction of Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou. As some Trust Deed conversation starters, we encourage you to think about:  What are the positive things about TRONPnui? What are the negative things? What do you think about the current structure and representation model? What is it you want to see, that you are not seeing at the moment? Are there are other or better things we could be doing with our time and resources?

There is no right or wrong way to express what you want to say in your submission. It’s your own valued and valid opinion.  Also if you have any ideas or suggestions that you think would help improve TRONPnui or solve any challenges that you believe the organisation faces, please let us know. However if you don’t have a solution in mind, kei te pai. You can let us know the result or outcome you want from TRONPnui, and then tell us to figure out how to make that happen.

ROUND ONE- Call for Submissions about TRONPnui Trust Deed and its operation
(Monday 10 April- Wednesday 31 May 2017)

In this stage Ngati Porou whanui are encouraged to provide their thoughts and feedback about any aspect of the Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou Trust Deed and its operation and the effectiveness of the arrangements set out in the Trust Deed

There a number of ways to do this:

1.  Complete a feedback/submission form – click here ( )


2.  Complete a written submission (of any length and format)


3.  If you wish to present an oral submission or have any enquiries relating to your submission please contact David Gray, the TRONPnui Trust Deed Review Independent Advisor.

Diversity of people, diversity of opinion

Ngati Porou is made up of an estimated 90,000 Iwi members living at home, across Aotearoa and around the world. Although sharing a common whakapapa, there is a diversity of perspectives and opinions among us. Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou welcomes the different points of view expressed by Ngati Porou whanui, and encourages Natis, where-ever they may live, to join the TRONPnui Trust Deed Review conversation.

Important Information  

Tel: 0800 NPOROU (0800 676768)
TRONPnui Trust Deed