"Kei Wareware Tatou" - ANZAC Day 2015 Events

"Kei Wareware Tatou" - ANZAC Day 2015 Events
"I te hekenga atu o te rā " "Tae noa ki te aranga mai i te ata" "Ka maumahara tonu tātou ki a rātou" "At the going down of the sun" "And in the morning" "We will remember them"
January 25, 2024

One hundred years ago on April 25th,1915 Australian and New Zealand soildiers made land fall at a small bay, on the Gallipoli peninsula in Turkey. For many of the young men who went ashore, they were to never return again to their homelands.

Over the past century the anniversary of this event has provided an occasion to reflect upon the sacrifices made by our troops in not only the Great War ( 1914-1918) but in every major overseas conflict since then. ANZAC Day also provides a time where we honour the contribution made by our returned servicemen and women.

Scroll down to find out more details about upcoming Ngati Porou/East Coast ANZAC commemorations.

E kore rātou e koroua wawe
Pēnei i a tātou kua mahue nei
E kore hoki rātou e ngoikore
Ahakoa pēhia e ngā āhuatanga o te wā
I te hekenga atu o te rā
Tae noa ki te aranga mai i te ata
Ka maumahara tonu tātou ki a rātou
Ka maumahara tonu tātou ki a rātou
They shall grow not old
As we that are left grow old
Age shall not weary them
Nor the years condemn
At the going down of the sun
And in the morning
We will remember them
We will remember them


Te Araroa

6am: Dawn Parade at Matakaoa RSA
6.30am: Traditional Rum and Coffee, followed by fall in and march to Cenotaph.
8.30am: Breakfast.
2pm: Live entertainment

For more info contact: Matakaoa RSA,  06 8644 660


5.45am: Dawn parade at Waiapu RSA.
Programme includes Karakia, Guest speaker and presentation of photos of returned Servicemen who have recently passed.

1pm - After lunch, Peter Te Kani will provide live entertainment

Hangi are available for $8. Phone Patrick on 8643 850 to order your pack.

For more info contact Patrick or contact  Waiapu RSA, 8643 091


6.00am:  Dawn parade at Ruatoria RSA
10.00am: Breakfast.
10.30am: Assemble Uepohatu Memorial Hall for wreath laying
11.00am:  church service

For more info contact: Alex Reedy, 06 864 8228 email: adandtreedy@gmail.com

Tokomaru Bay

5.30am: Assemble at the Cenataph
6am: Dawn Parade
6.10am: Laying of weaths
6.45am: Karakia
6.50am: Dismiss parade
7.15am:Arrive at Kakepo, Waima
7.45am:Te Ariuru marae
9am: Waiparapara marae
10am:Ngaiopapa Urupa
10.30am:Pakirikiri marae
11.30am:Hikoi to Hatea a rangi domain
12noon: Hakari at Tokomaru Bay United Clubrooms

For more info contact, Kody Pewhairangi , 06 8645 795

Tolaga Bay

5.20am: Dawn Service- Memorial gates
8.40am: Memorial Service - RSA Military Cemetery
11.20am: Parade Ceremony - Monkhouse Street
11.30am: Civic Ceremony- Memorial gates

For more info go to: www.hauora.hauiti.com or  www.uawaanzac.com


5.30am: Assemble for  Dawn parade
6am: Dawn service and blessing of revamped cenotaph, Reads Quay
6.45am:28 Maori Battalion Service at Te Poho o Rawiri marae.
8.00am: Assemble at Peel St,  march to cenotaph
8.30am: Gisborne Civic Service at cenotaph  and unveiling of revamped cenotaph

9.30am: C Company House Service.
5.30pm:  War Memorial theatre official opening

For more info contact: Ben Tahata, 06 867 2823 or 021 963 396 email: ben@gisbornersa.co.nz

Horouta Marae, Porirua, Wellington

12noon:  ANZAC Day commemoration service.

There will also be christenings for mokopuna, celebrations around the unveiling of heke and whakairo and kapa haka of C Company waiata.

For more info contact:  Pania Houkamau-Ngaheu,  027 477 6769 or go to http://www.ngatiporoukiponeke.org.nz/

Radio Ngati Porou, ANZAC DAY Special

6am to 12noon: This ANZAC Day Radio Ngati Porou commemorate’s 100 years since the ANZACs landed at Gallipoli, and will feature items from the RNP archive.  

The main feature is the interview with Ted Bear WWI veteran as well as korero from Jim Shalcraft, a pakeha who arrived in Tokomaru Bay as a 16 year old, Charlie Sadlier from Waipiro Bay, Bill Te Kani from Potaka and Frank Katene (Cotton) McDonald all of whom served in WWII. These and many other unique Ngati Porou interviews from RNP’s archives.

Listen to the live stream at www.radiongatiporou.co.nz or go their facebook page.