King Tuheitia among Tribal Leaders who came to pay homage to Dr Mahuika today

King Tuheitia among Tribal Leaders who came to pay homage to Dr Mahuika today
Tribal leaders and dignatories from nga hau e wha continued to stream into Tikitiki to pay homage to Dr Apirana Mahuika
January 25, 2024

A sight to behold – Waikato-Tainui arrive en masse with King Tuheitia.

Tribal leaders and dignatories from nga hau e wha continued to stream into Tikitiki to pay homage to Dr Apirana Mahuika as he lies in state at Rahui marae. The first ope included representatives from the NZ Judicary, educationalists and church leaders.

No te wahine te reo tuatahi.  

Tame Iti was amongst the Tuhoe contingent.  Mataatua waka was well represented today.
Sir Tamati Reedy and daughter Riripeti mourn the loss of a leader, uncle, friend and confidant.
Ngapuhi’s Hone Sadlier and a Tainui warrior.
Local kaumatua Nehe Dewes shows no sign of weariness – he has welcomed thousands to Rahui Marae over the past three days.
TRONPnui deputy chair Herewini Parata in full flight.
Chief Justice Sian Elias was amongst the legions of judges, lawyers and court staff to make the long trip to Tikitiki – an indication of the many legal battles Dr Mahuika has led to preserve Ngati Porou mana motuhake, lands and taonga.
Mayor Meng Foon and wife Mayoress Ying Foon came to pay their respects to Uncle Api, a treasured friend and mentor.
Tribal leaders from the South Island were around the many roopu who made the long journey to the Waiapu Valley. Pictured above is  Ta Tipene O'Regan.