New Chief Executive of TRONPnui appointed

New Chief Executive of TRONPnui appointed
Dean hails from Ngai Tane, Whanau-a-Takimoana, Whanau-a-Hinepare and was raised in Rangitukia by his grandmother Tawai Moana.
January 25, 2024

E te iwi e nga karangatanga maha, ko Dean Moana te kaihautu hou mo Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou. Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou has appointed a new CEO to lead the development and implementation of strategies to achieve the long term aspirations of Ngati Porou.

Dean Ngaiwi Moana returns to live among his whanau after a 30-year successful career, building projects internationally and growing well-known NZ companies primarily in the seafood sector, as both an executive and governor.  His earlier career included influential roles in international construction companies, Ernst & Young accounting and Te Ohu Kaimoana.  

Since 2005, he has been concurrently the CEO of Prepared Foods Ltd, Managing Director of Prepack Ltd and an Executive at Aotearoa Fisheries Ltd.  He also has experience in farming, forestry and the energy sectors.  Dean has also held a directorship on Ngati Porou Seafoods Group since 2006.

Dean hails from Ngai Tane, Whanau-a-Takimoana, Whanau-a-Hinepare and was raised in Rangitukia by his grandmother Tawai Moana.  He is married with two children. He views himself as Ngati Porou from his “boots-up” and sees his upbringing in the Reo and Tikanga of the tribe as conferring an obligation to uphold and protect its reputation nationally.

He is excited by the opportunities ahead and will be getting out and about to meet Ngati Porou shortly. Dean replaces outgoing Chief Executive Teepa Wawatai who has held the position since October 2013.

Click here to read an archival article about Dean which appeared in a June 2005 issue of Nga Kohinga magazine. Dean was profiled as part of the magazine's series about Ngati Porou working in the fisheries industry.