Nga Korero a te Tiamana (Chairman's Report)

Nga Korero a te Tiamana (Chairman's Report)
In reflecting on the past year, the old adage “there is a time for everything” comes to mind. This year was a time of new beginnings including the formation of a new board and the departure of some of our inaugural trustees
January 10, 2024

Tena tatau nga uri o nga whanau o nga hapu o Ngati Porou mai i Te toka a Taiau ki Potikirua, otira tatau he Iwi moke he whanoke no Waiapu no Whangaokena no Hikurangi.

Huia mai nga mate o te ra o te wa, kia tanghia kia mihi, ki aku poupou kia Uncle Noel Raihania te morehu koroua o Ngati Porou, te morehu o te rua tekau ma waru, kia Mihara Ngata, kia Ngoingoi Materoa Smith me Mereheni Waitoa nga morehu kuia o te ao tahito, taku papa Whairiri Ngata otira koutou kua ngaro i te tirohanga kanohi, haere haere okioki atu i te po, noho pumau mai i nga ringa atawhai a to tatau Ariki.

E te iwi e te wiwi koutou nga whanau e pupuri te ha o te Ngati Porou e parani nei i o tatau rae kia ora rawa atu koutou, ma o tatau mahi ka kitea e te ao e nga uri whakatupu.

In reflecting on the past year, the old adage “there is a time for everything” comes to mind. This year was a time of new beginnings including the formation of a new board and the departure of some of our inaugural trustees. I want to firstly welcome the new trustees and secondly, acknowledge the efforts and commitment of those trustees who exited after the last elections. The inaugural trustees helped us navigate our way through the first four years of an unchartered post-settlement journey.

Acknowledgement also goes to our new Chief Executive, Herewini Te Koha, who joined us in October 2015. Herewini brought with him an impressive mix of skills and experience, complemented by the calm, considered, problem-solving approach that he applies to a multitude of tasks, issues and challenges. With every new board there is a time of adjustment, reconciliation and recalibration of priorities and interests. I am grateful that our CE provided guidance to the board and took direction from the board as and when it was required. It is this understanding of the delineation between governance and management that gives me confidence that our organisation is in safe and capable hands.


The Runanganui invested in a number of new initiatives this year, including the:

There are many other social and economic initiatives that we have led in the past year that are already contributing to tangible improvements in the quality of the lives and interactions that our people are having with third parties, including:


Our balance sheet shows that in the past four years the Runanganui has grown its net assets by $41.0 million, from $160.0 million in 2012 to $201.0 million this year. This is commendable in a global financial environment that is still in recovery mode and facing increasing geo-political uncertainty. This volatility was evident this year with a $9.7 million reduction in revenue from the previous financial year, across the whole Ngati Porou Holding Company Group. To Matanuku Mahuika and his board, I express my appreciation and that of the Runanganui board for your endeavours this year and your solid performance over the past four years.

The Runanganui with its current workforce, including Ngati Porou Hauora, employs 300 people with the majority, of Ngati Porou descent. The Runanganui is one of the major employers within our rohe. The combined pay packets of our workforce and the earnings from the sale of our produce, is growing the Ngati Porou contribution to the region’s GDP and prosperity. When considering the next economic horizons we need to look at how we leverage our collective asset base to invest more in our local economy, nurture and grow Ngati Porou entrepreneurship, improve the alignment of tertiary education and training with industry workforce requirements and attract more investment to give local businesses the confidence to employ more people.

On the national front the Runanganui has been working in close collaboration with Ngati Porou Seafoods and Te Ohu Kaimoana to protect the value of our Treaty of Waitangi fisheries settlement assets. This stewardship role also applies to the work that I lead in Climate Change as chair of the Iwi Leaders Group on Climate Change.


Toitu Ngati Porou continues to advance our cultural development agenda, particularly the Ngati Porou Reo Strategy, Implementation and Investment Plans, the Ngati Porou Outcomes Measurement Framework Project and a comprehensive support and development programme for our Marae. It is pleasing to see the uptake of Marae grants, Nati Wifi and the Nati Insurance programme. I would like to thank the Chair and board of Toitu NP, our Marae Kaitakawaenga and Runanganui staff for their relentless pursuit of resources and products that help and support the tireless, and often thankless, efforts of the many whanau that maintain and care for our marae.

The Ngati Porou Reo Strategy provides a good roadmap for us to consider what each and every one of us can do to improve our own reo competency, increase the use of reo in our homes, on our marae and in our communities. The health and wellbeing of our reo rests in our own hands.

Toitu NP also provides governance oversight to our Whanau Oranga manager and her staff. The energy, dedication and innovation that Anne Huriwai and her team have demonstrated in the re-design of quality services to whanau has been inspiring and I applaud the work that they are doing.


One of the major challenges facing Ngati Porou is the sustainability of quality health services on the Coast. I wish to acknowledge the efforts of our Hauora Board and implore us all, to recognise that models of healthcare and service provision are rapidly changing. We need to start thinking outside of the square when determining what the next fifty years of healthcare provision in Ngati Porou will look like.

One of the challenges that we have faced over the past four years is achieving a balance between our aspirations for Ngati Porou and the reality of annual revenue streams. I appreciate the focus and work of our Audit, Risk & Finance Committee, chaired by Kylie Potae. They have provided our board and management with increased clarity about the Runanganui’s revenue and expenditure flows, and therein greater certainty about what we have to do to live within our means.

Finally, I encourage you all to inform yourselves about the review of the Runanganui, Ngati Porou Holding Company Ltd and Toitu Ngati Porou Trust Deeds and Constitutions, and participate in the consultation hui that will be conducted with Ngati Porou at home and across the country over the next 12 months.

Me mihi ka tika ki nga kaitiaki o to tatau Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou, i a Toitu Ngati Porou, i a Ngati Porou Holding Company Ltd me ona piringa a Pakihiroa a Ngati Porou Seafoods a Ngati Porou Miere, i a Ngati Porou Hauora hoki.
Ki nga whanaunga hoa nga kai takatu e mahi ana i nga mahi mo te iwi kia ora rawaatu koutou.
Kia koutou Ngati Porou ma te Atua koutou e manaaki e tiaki i nga wa katoa.

Na tenei o koutou.

Selwyn Tanetoa Parata
Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou

To read the other reports from TRONPnui's 2016 Annual Report, as well as other supporting AGM material. Please click here.

Listen to Radio Ngati Porou's Hui A Tau interviews with TRONPnui representatives

TRONPnui representatives have been interviewed on RNP's Nga Take o te Wa current affairs show, in the lead up to the Hui a Tau. Radio Ngati Porou have made the interviews available on their SoundCloud account for those who were unable to listen to the live interviews.

Selwyn Parata ( TRONPnui Chair)