Ngati Porou Basketball scores for the iwi

Ngati Porou Basketball scores for the iwi
Last month the only Iwi Association in NZ fielded five teams in Basketball New Zealand’s National Championships, after earlier qualifying to represent the region in Napier.
January 25, 2024

Last month the only Iwi Association in NZ fielded five teams in Basketball New Zealand’s National Championships, after earlier qualifying to represent the region in Napier.

The under 15 Girls and boys teams travelled to Wellington to play against other teams in their age grade, while the under 17 Womens team  traveled to Auckland to compete in their tournament. The under 19 Mens and Womens team journeyed to Nelson in the South Island to vie against their counterparts from around the country.

Jimi Hills, Chairperson of the Association says that although these accomplishments are wonderful, he believes there are also other equally significant spin-offs which are a direct result from involvement in the sport. “To me basketball can be used as a vehicle to encourage everyone, regardless of their ability or experience in the game, to develop a positive state of mind. The values we try to impress on all our participants, both young and old, are manaakitanga, whanaungatanga and kia eke ki te Taumata (strive for the ultimate).”

The Ngati Porou Basketball Association wishes to thank all the sponsors who helped support their roopu at the recent National tournament.

Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou, Ngati Porou Fisheries ltd, New Zealand Commuity Trust,  Te Puni Kokiri, Ngati Porou Hapu Social Services, Kahui Legal, Kaeamedia, TKKM O Kawkawa mai Tawhiti, Whanau sponsors,  all Ngati Porou East Coast schools, Ilminster Intermediate, Gisborne YMCA and Kiwisport.

The aspiration of the Ngati Porou Basketball Association is to strengthen the development of basketball within Ngati Porou.  

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