In June 2012, Ngati Porou Holding Company (the commercial arm of Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou) was established.
In June 2012, Ngati Porou Holding Company (the commercial arm of Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou) was established.
The role of the company is to manage, protect and grow the collective asset base owned by Ngati Porou tribal members, which includes over $119 million worth of cash received from the Ngati Porou Treaty settlement together with Ngati Porou’s interests in fisheries, farming, forestry and some commercial property (the 2013 Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou Annual Report includes the company’s latest financial report).
Recently the company completed a strategic document which sets out the guidelines, goals and principles that will govern decisions around how these assets will be invested and managed. This document is the company’s Statement of Investment Policies and Objectives (or SIPO), “He Whakapuaki Korero mo nga Kaupapa Whakatipu Rawa e Manakohia ana e Ngati Porou Holding Company”.
Within the next few months a supplementary booklet will also be disseminated, which draws out the main points of the SIPO and provide further elaboration/detail.
The purpose of the supplementary booklet is to help make the SIPO more accessible and relatable to all Ngati Porou shareholders, by translating technical financial jargon into everyday language and concepts.