Ngati Porou Reo Champion Nomination process now open

Ngati Porou Reo Champion Nomination process now open
The first of the five programmes is called Nga Pu Whakaha i te Reo ( Reo Champions), and nominations are being called for hapu, marae, rohenga tipuna and taurahere whanau to nominate a Reo champion to help lead their local reo revitalisation activities.
January 9, 2024

Mahia te mahi, or ‘doing the do’, is crucial to the success of any strategy. A reo revitalisation funding programme launched today by Toitu Ngati Porou acknowledges the need for ‘Doers’ to carry out the necessary ground work within their respective communities, to help ensure the Ngati Porou Language Strategy achieves its objectives.

In 2015 Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou committed an initial investment of $500,000 to implement Te Reo Ake o Ngati Porou:Toitu Te Reo”, a reo revitalisation strategy written by Dr Wayne Ngata, the current Chair of Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori (The Māori Language Commission).  Toitu Ngati Porou, the cultural development arm of the Runanganui, was then charged with the implementation of the strategy. As a result a suite of five Ngati Porou Reo Revitalisation programmes have been designed, with each targeting different aspects of Toitu Te Reo.  

The first of the five programmes is called Nga Pu Whakaha i te Reo ( Reo Champions), and nominations are being called for hapu, marae, rohenga tipuna and taurahere whanau to nominate a Reo champion to help lead their local reo revitalisation activities. The main role of the Reo champions will be to work with their community to develop or consolidate existing Reo Action Plans and recruit whanau to participate in their plans; foster networks that support Ngati Porou Reo aspirations; and provide positive advocacy of Toitu Te Reo.

The nominations process closes on Sunday 23rd of July, and up to 10 Reo champions will be recruited. Toitu Ngati Porou will manage this process, which will include engaging a panel of 8 people who are fluent in te reo o Ngati Porou and are active Reo practitioners and acknowledged advocates. This panel includes representatives from the Runanganui ( Selwyn Parata, Ani Pahuru-Huriwai), Toitu Ngati Porou (Wikitoria Gilvray) Taurahere (Rhonda Tibble for Te Taurahere o Ngati Porou Ki Tamaki, Matehaere Konia for Te Taurahere o Ngati Porou Ki Poneke), Ngati Porou Kohanga Reo, Kura Kaupapa/wharekura (Renata Kururangi, Campbell Dewes) and a Reo Researcher (Dr Wayne Ngata).

Once the Reo champions are in place, the other funding programmes will be rolled out.  The Reo Champions will be responsible for applying/or supporting their hapu, marae and taurahere to make applications for Programmes 2-4.

These include:

To find out more information about the Ngati Porou Reo Revitalisation programmes go to:

For further info about Toitu Te Reo contact:

Ngati Porou Reo Programme Coordinator

Rapaea Parata
Te Toka a Taiau, Shed 3, The Esplanade,
PO Box 394, Gisborne 4010
Ph: 06 867 9960
Cell: 021 863 114