Overwhelming support for Iwi Leaders at Ngati Porou hui

Overwhelming support for Iwi Leaders at Ngati Porou hui
The resolutions passed will support the Iwi Leaders' next steps forward to ensure iwi and hapu rights can be better represented at the relevant decision making tables of the Crown and local government
January 15, 2024

Support for on-going Treaty based discussions between the Iwi Leaders' Group and Crown, was confirmed at a freshwater, conservation and Ture Whenua Maori consultation hui, in Tikitiki this week.

More than 50 people attended the regional iwi hui at Rahui Marae on Tuesday (January 26) to identify how water quality can be improved, resources better utilised and decision-making power shared by recognising hapu/iwi rights and interests.

The Iwi Leaders' led hui was one of 18 being held throughout the country this month.

Iwi Chairs' and Leadership Group member Selwyn Parata was pleased with the hui “turn out” and the “overwhelming support” for the three resolutions passed at the hui.

He also appreciated the “comprehensive presentations” carried out by Iwi Leaders adviser Willie Te Aho and Te Ohu Kaimoana principal adviser Laws Lawson.

The resolutions passed will support the Iwi Leaders' next steps forward to ensure iwi and hapu rights can be better represented at the relevant decision making tables of the Crown and local government, he says.

All three resolutions require the Iwi Leaders' to provide a full update to whanau, hapu and iwi in April 2016.

Mr Te Aho made it clear that the support was only until the next hui.

“Then the people reassess whether or not further support should be provided,” he says.

A summary report of regional hui findings, will be discussed by the Iwi Chairs' Forum on February 4.

The key issues agreed on by Iwi Chairs' will be presented to Prime Minister John Key and his Ministers, February 5.

The displacement of customary and commercial fishing was raised by Ngati Porou people attending the Tikitiki hui.

Michelle Wanoa from Te Araroa was concered about commercial fishing practices and said rahui restrictions were not properly respected by all.

“Commercial fisherman fish everyday for a species whereas Maori harvest by season. We should have season permits for our species.

“Our people are frustrated because the commercial crayfish pots are so close. What does that leave for our people who want to go and get crayfish.”

Michelle says rahui was a simple management structure “a customary tool” that would be more effective if it became a law for all.

Haro McIlroy from Waipiro agreed, “Our customary rights are not regulated in New Zealand law. Our fish are not our own . . .”

“What we would like is for New Zealand law to protect our customary rights first and have all those fish out there feeding our whanau first before others.”

Ngati Porou, Turanga and Whanau a Apanui have submitted to the Iwi Leaders' the Horouta Iwi Collective Case Study to address their unique freshwater aspects.

Ngati Porou have negotiated a joint management agreement for the Waiapu catchment under the Resource Management Act.

“This is a stepping stone to achieving the Ngati Porou aspiration of the eventual transfer of full Gisborne District Council powers by 2020 for the entire Ngati Porou rohe with hapu leading the resource management in their respective rohe,” says Mr Te Aho.

Northern neighbours Te Whanau a Apanui are seeking a Rohe Protection Area, similar to a Marine Protection Area but covers both land and sea.

This would stop local authority and Department of Conservation involvement unless requested by hapu/iwi.

The Turanga iwi in Gisborne are negotiating an extension of their Local Leadership Board (a Treaty settlement mechanism) to include all freshwater consenting and decision making within the rohe of Te Aitanga a Mahaki, Rongowhakaata and Ngai Tamanuhiri.

Te Ture Whenua Maori Iwi Leaders’ signed last month a protocol with the Government for the sharing of information, policy advice and communications on the rewrite of Te Ture Whenua Maori 1993.

Iwi Leaders' are now looking into the proposed Maori Land Service and have suggestions on areas not included in the bill, including rating, valuation, landlocked land and paper roads.


A – Freshwater

That the participants at this regional iwi hui support the Freshwater Iwi Leadership Group and Iwi Advisors Group.

  1. Progressing the proposed workplan and hapu/iwi and interests in freshwater.
  2. Leading the discussions with the Crown on the Discussion Document, the Resource Amendment Bill and the National Statement for Freshwater Management (particularly Te Mana o Te Wai).
  3. Providing a full update to whanau, hapu and Iwi in April 2016.

B – Conservation

That the participants at this regional iwi hui support the work of the Conservation Iwi Leaders' Group with the Iwi Leaders' Group providing a full update to whanau, hapu and Iwi in April 2016.

C – Ture Whenua Maori

That the participants at this regional iwi hui support:

  1. The work of the Ture Whenua Maori Iwi Leaders' Group
  2. The Ture Whenua Maori Iwi Leaders' Group progressing the new Ture Whenua Maori Bill, the Maori Land Service and resourcing, and a timetable for addressing the Maori land enablers.
  3. The Iwi Leaders' Group providing a full update to whanau, hapu and iwi in April 2016.


Iwi Leaders' Groups have been established on particular kaupapa to engage directly with iwi, hapu and Government.

Iwi Leaders' host regional hui every four months and report to the Iwi Chairs Forum at their quarterly hui.

There are 65 iwi who are a part of the Iwi Chairs' Forum.

In 2005 the first Iwi Chairs' Forum was convened at Takahanga Marae in Kaikoura.

Since then the Forum has been meeting regularly to discuss and enable Maori aspirations in the areas of cultural, social, economic, environmental and political development.

The Forum is a platform for sharing knowledge and information between the tangata whenua of Aotearoa.

Hui are held four times a year at different marae throughout the country.

Hui this year will be held in February (Waitangi), May (Te Arawa), August (Tainui) and December (Tauihu/Nelson).