Papa Api's Final Journey Home

Papa Api's Final Journey Home
Papa Api is brought on to Rahui Marae by his sons and mokopuna.
January 25, 2024

The final journey home.  Rahui Marae, Tikitiki. Yesterday afternoon Dr Apirana Mahuika was brought on to his ancestral marae where he will lie in state until Thursday. Featured are a selection of images taken during the powhiri.

The hau kaenga perform a rousing haka powhiri for one of Te Riu o Waiapu’s greatest sons.
Waiapu kaumatua Nehe Dewes pays tribute.
Nga kuia o te riu o Waiapu.
Willie Te Aho reflects on Papa Api’s challenge to be fiercely Ngati Porou.
Ngati Porou’s opportunity to farewell their leader before the nation descends.
Tune in to Radio Ngati Porou’s live broadcast for full coverage of Dr Mahuika’s tangihanga.
Dr Mahuika will lie in state until his burial at his whanau urupa of Kaitaha.