"Some One Worth Voting For"- Local Govt & The Nati Vote

"Some One Worth Voting For"- Local Govt & The Nati Vote
There needs to be education about what voting is and why it’s impor­tant. Whanau need to support rangatahi through the voting process and they need someone to vote for
January 10, 2024

Buses, waste management, parks, roads, civil defence and permits for that xmas hangi – just some of the powers the Gisborne District Council oversees with revenue generated through rates, investments and fees. But unlike other regions, the GDC is in the unique position of serving a population that is 45% Maori, the majority of whom are Ngati Porou. But will they vote when voting documents are posted this month? Tina Wickliffe has been crunching the numbers.

The 2016 campaign for local body elections has begun in earnest with 28 candidates vying for 14 spots in coun­cil. Some of these candidates are also amongst the 13 eyeing up a seat on the revamped Hauora Tairawhiti which is tasked with steering this district out of the health challenges associated with the highest socio-economic deprivation in the country.

These candidates have the unenviable task of convincing eligible voters in the Gisborne District to tick a box, hope­fully the one by their name. But if the last election is anything to go by, they have their work cut out for them. Less than half of Gisborne’s 31,575 voters bothered to vote in the 2013 local body elections. Do the racial profile math with census and electoral commission data and it’s not hard to work out who didn’t vote – younger Natis.

If the 2016 campaign is anything to go by, who can blame them really? So far local news has been dominated by the Napier-Gisborne rail line, a new council building, councillors bickering over “pet projects”, and how the deputy mayor is appointed. Hardly a luring advertise­ment for younger brown people with limited understanding of what council actually does for them.

Josh Wharehinga, who has genealog­ical connections to Waipiro and Poroporo, entered council as a fresh faced novice in 2014 after winning a by-elec­tion following the resignation of popu­lar councillor Manu Caddie. The father of six is seeking re-election and has a three pronged attack to rangatahi en­gagement.

“There needs to be education about what voting is and why it’s impor­tant. Whanau need to support rangatahi through the voting process and they need someone to vote for. That was the biggest feedback I received in my run for the 2014 by-election, a lot of people had never voted before and they voted for the first time because they knew someone who they thought was worth voting for”.

Mayoralty candidate and account­ant Geoff Milner is of Reporua stock and has held numerous high level iwi and community board positions. The former Ngati Porou East Coast rugby union chief executive says it’s about con­nectivity.

“One way of connection is to councillors as people. Given the typical genre of councillor is that of older per­sons (50 plus) that makes the connec­tion more difficult. Secondly, council has struggled to demonstrate they take young people seriously thus making young people ask themselves what’s the point? Finally, paying rates brings a tangible connection that most young people don’t experience because they are not homeowners. The sooner voting moves to online voting, the easier it will be to engage young people who are tech savvy”.

Milner is one of two Ngati Porou mayoralty candidates (Yvonne Bishop was a late entry) up against a formida­ble and charismatic opponent in Meng Foon who is seeking a sixth term. The te reo speaking incumbent regularly at­tends hui throughout Ngati Porou, lists the Joint Management Agreement of the Waiapu Catchment as a milestone of his fifth term in office, and sings his original waiata about Hikurangi maunga as if he was raised beside it. But Geoff Milner thinks whakapapa gives him the edge with Ngati Porou voters.

“In terms of Ngati Porou engagement, having a Ngati Porou person running for the mayoral office trying to make history, where there is a whakapapa connection, may also encourage young people to en­gage with the local body elections. The key is to exercise your vote that our ti­puna fought hard for, a right that hasn’t always been conferred upon Ngati Porou in our district. Young people tend to want to make an informed decision and given the typical promotion of candidates has been by print media, billboards or meet­ings, changes in campaigning needs to be considered by candidates to go and meet young people where they are at and not expect them to come to meetings”.

Civic participation is considered a cornerstone of a robust democracy and the decline in engagement, particularly amongst 18-29 year olds, is a red flag for the future success of Tairawhiti commu­nities. An improvement in the calibre of today’s candidates will improve engage­ment – as Councillor Wharehinga says, when the official results are announced mid October we’ll see if this year’s elec­tions gave Ngati Porou “someone worth voting for”.


Mayoralty candidates: Geoff Milner; Yvonne Bishop

Gisborne ward (nine positions available): Amber Dunn; Geoff Milner; Josh Wharehinga; Mary Liza Manuel; Shannon Dowsing;Te Aturangi Nepia-Clamp

Matakaoa – Waiapu ward (one position):  Bill Burdett;

Hauora Tairawhiti (seven positions); Hiki Pihema; Josh Wharehinga; Marijke Warmenhoven


September 16th – voting documents will be sent to enrolled electors.

October 8th – Election day. Voting closes at 12pm.

October 15th – Declaration of results.