
I talked with older, dignified women, native kuia, ready to be arrested if need be for the cause. It was wonderful having that connection. People were putting their lives on the line for what they believed in.
January 10, 2024

Marcus Lloyd (Nga Ariki Kaiputahi/Ngati Porou) and his whanau checked into Standing Rock recently, in a show of solidarity with the tangata whenua from that region.

(Watch video interview by Gisborne Herald above).

The founder of First Tribe Technologies Solutions in Gisborne, is seen pictured at the entrance of Standing Rock’s Oceti Sakowin camp in front of the “Avenue of Nations.”

In October, Marcus was in the U.S. to deliver a presentation called “Digi­tal Natives & Data Sovereignty” at the World Indigenous Law Conference. After the conference ended Marcus and members of his whanau who had accompanied him on the trip, travelled across from California to North Dakota to support the Sioux Lakota Nation people who are opposing the planned Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) project which would cross over their whenua. The 1300 mile oil pipeline (or “Black Snake” as it is referred to by the tangata whenua) would cut through their sacred burial grounds and burrow under the Missouri river, potentially exposing this main water source to contamination and pollution.

“It was very humbling, Marcus recalled of his experience in an interview with The Gisborne Herald. “The people were standing up for their land with arms fac­ing down on them. I talked with older, dignified women, native kuia, ready to be arrested if need be for the cause. It was wonderful having that connection. People were putting their lives on the line for what they believed in. We sat around the fire, shared our flags, korero and waiata.”

#nodapl #waterislife #standwithstandingrock

At the time of Nati Link going to press in late November, Marcus has since returned to Standing Rock, to support the Sioux Lakota Nation people who are facing increasing levels of conflict from the US. Police force. He joins, fellow Nati, Te Hamua Nikora, the founder of the social media group, “Haka with Standing Rock”, who recently arrived at the camp.