Takutai Moana

Takutai Moana
May 20, 2024
“Ko taku upoko ki tuawhenua
Ko aku matimati ki takutai”
(My head shall face landwards
and my feet shall point seawards)
- Rerekohu

In October 2008 nga hapu o Ngati Porou Foreshore & Seabed Deed of Agreement was ratified and signed by 48 hapu and the Crown at Parliament. However, the repeal and replacement of the Foreshore & Seabed Act, with the Marine & Coastal Area (Takutai moana) Act in 2011 has provided the basis for nga hapu and the Crown to negotiate a range of improvements to the Deed.

Since 2011, nga hapu o Ngati Porou and the Crown have negotiated amendments to the Deed and hapu representatives have also prepared trusts, referred to as “Management Arrangements” under the Deed to Amend.

Members of nga hapu o Ngati Porou now have the opportunity in  2017 to decide, by way of a formal ratification process, whether to support or not support the Deed to Amend and the Management Arrangements. The ratification hui represent the latest stage in a long journey to affirm the mana of nga hapu o Ngati Porou over the takutai moana in their rohe. Once  ratified by nga hapu o Ngati Porou, the amended Deed of Agreement will be given effect by new legislation, which will provide legal recognition of the mana of hapu over their marine and coastal lands and resources.

This Takutai moana micro-site has been created to help hapu members navigate the key principles and instruments of the amended Deed, provide a background and resources about the Takutaimoana journey, and publish updated information about the ratification process. A booklet called "Mana Moana- A Guide to understanding the process to ratify amendments to the Deed" has also been created to download.

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