On this page:
- Pre-ratification Information Hui
- Public Notices
- Ratification Hui
- Ratification Resolutions
- Voting Method
- Ratification Results
The amended Deed of Agreement and the management arrangement trust deeds will undergo a ratification process to provide hapu with the opportunity to consider and approve these matters.
A series of hapu information hui were held within Ngati Porou by hapu representatives in late 2016. These hui updated attendees with information on the proposed changes to the Deed, the management arrangements, and the next steps ahead. Three additional information hui were held in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.
These hui were organised by members of the Nga Hapu o Ngati Porou Foreshore and Seabed Implementation Sub-Committee and were open to all Ngati Porou whanau.
The ratification hui will be publicly notified at least twice in national and local newspapers, on Radio Ngati Porou, and on Te Runanganui’s website and Facebook page. Notice will be issued at least two weeks prior to the first hui. The notices will include the dates, times and locations of the ratification hui, the resolutions to be put to the hui, and which hapu will be voting at which hui. Notices will also describe where further information can be found, including where hapu members can view the amended Deed of Agreement and the trust deeds of the management arrangements.
In order for the amended Deed and Management Arrangements to be properly ratified by the respective hapu clusters, a series of ratification hui will be held in 2017 for all members of the hapu listed in the amended Deed. All hapu members are invited to attend the ratification hui in their rohenga tipuna. Attendance registers will be taken at each ratification hui and Crown officials will be present as observers of the process.
The next ratification hui will be held:
Ratification hui have been previously held for: Nga hapu mai i Potikirua ki Whangaokeno; Nga hapu mai i Whangaokeno ki Onepoto; Nga hapu mai i Rahuimanuka ki Mataahu; Nga hapu mai i Mataahu ki Kokoronui ( see panui for details).
A date has yet to be set for ratification hui for the following hapu cluster: Nga hapu mai i Kokoronui ki Te Toka a Taiau.
At the hapu clusters‘ ratification hui, members will be asked to vote on the following resolutions:
The method of voting at each ratification hui will be at the discretion of each hapu collective in accordance with their agreed tikanga.
We encourage you to attend the relevant hui and participate.
The voting results of the ratification process, together with any submissions, will be provided to the Crown to demonstrate the levels of support amongst hapu.