Takutaimoana Ratification Hui Notification- Nga hapu mai i Onepoto ki Rahuimanuka


The Nga Hapu o Ngati Porou Foreshore and Seabed Deed of Agreement was ratified by nga hapu and signed by hapu representatives in October 2008.  The Nga Rohe Moana o Nga Hapu o Ngati Porou Bill was introduced to Parliament shortly thereafter to give effect to the Deed.  The legislative process was delayed, however, by a change in government, the repeal of the Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004, and enactment of the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011.  Since that time, the Crown and representatives of Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou have negotiated amendments to the Deed to reflect improvements brought about by the new Act.  Hapu representatives have also prepared trusts, referred to as “Management Arrangements” under the Deed to Amend.  There are six Management Arrangements, based on six ‘hapu clusters’ across the Ngati Porou rohe, to provide representation for Ngati Porou hapu in respect of takutai moana matters.

Members of nga hapu o Ngati Porou now have the opportunity to decide, by way of a formal ratification process, whether to support or not support the Deed to Amend and the Management Arrangements.

A Ratification Information Booklet, the Deed to Amend, and the trust deeds for the Management Arrangements are available to hapu members.  The documents may be viewed online at www.ngatiporou.com/takutaimoana.  Paper copies may also be viewed at Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou’s offices at Shed 3, 50 The Esplanade, Gisborne, or Porou Ariki, 195 Wainui Road, Gisborne, or 1 Barry Avenue, Ruatoria.

In order for the amended Deed and Management Arrangements to be properly ratified by the respective hapu clusters, a series of ratification hui is being held for all members of the hapu listed in the amended Deed.  At the hapu clusters’ ratification hui, members are asked to vote on the following resolutions:

1. The hapu of the [relevant hapu cluster] agree to, and ratify, the Deed to Amend the Nga Hapu o Ngati Porou Foreshore and Seabed Deed of Agreement 2008.

2. The hapu of the [relevant hapu cluster] agree to, and ratify, the trust deed of the [relevant trust] as the Management Arrangement of the [relevant hapu cluster] for the purposes of the Deed to Amend.

Attendance registers will be taken at the ratification hui and Crown officials will be present as observers of the process.

We encourage you to attend and participate in the hui for the hapu to which you affiliate.  The method of voting at the hui will be at the discretion of the hapu cluster in accordance with their agreed tikanga.

A date has yet to be set for ratification hui for the following hapu cluster:

  • Nga hapu mai i Kokoronui ki Te Toka a Taiau:  Ngati Hau, Ngati Ira, Ngati Wakarara, Ngai Tutekohi, Ngati Kahukuranui, Te Aitanga a Hauiti, Te Whanau a Te Rangipureora, Ngati Patuwhare, Ngati Konohi, Ngati Oneone, Ngati Kuranui.

Please keep an eye on newspaper panui and Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou’s website and Facebook page for formal notice of any further ratification hui.

For further information please visit Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou’s website: www.ngatiporou.com/takutaimoana, or email: takutaimoana@tronp.org.nz, or telephone Albie McFarlane or Jacqui Ata on 06 867 9960.

Authorised by Rei Kohere as Nga Hapu o Ngati Porou Foreshore and Seabed Committee Chair