Te Whakataunga o Ngā Marae o Te Riu o Waiapu

Te Whakataunga o Ngā Marae o Te Riu o Waiapu
Hot off the press, Nga Marae o Te Riu o Waiapu, was produced as a resource to encourage and guide those searching out their whakapapa, Marae and Hapū connections to Te Riu o Waiapu and Ngāti Porou.
January 15, 2024

Mai i te Poroporo, Kaiwaka te marae, ki Rangitukia ara ko Karuwai, Ohinewaiapu, ko Hinepare.
Kei waenganui ko Taumata o Tapuhi. Anei a Tikitiki, te marae o Rahui, Rongomaianiwaniwa. Ko Ngati Putaanga e. Kei te mihi atu nei ki nga tangata katoa, o Te Riu o Waiapu, mai ra ano. Mai i Te Ao Hou, kua puta tenei pukapuka e pupuri nei i etahi o nga korero tuku iho o tena marae, o tena marae o Te Riu o Waiapu.

Te Kōmiti Matauranga o Te Riu o Waiapu were very happy to launch the Ngā Marae o Te Riu o Waiapu booklet at the Porou Ariki Wānanga at Rāhui Marae Tikitiki which was received really well.  Our aim in producing the booklet was to produce something that represents all our Hapū in the Waiapu Valley and to produce a resource that would encourage and guide those searching out their whakapapa, Marae and Hapū connections to Te Riu o Waiapu and Ngāti Porou.

We recognise the special role of te hau kainga and have provided a copy of the booklet to every home, school and ECE centre in Waiapu.  Currently the booklet is being translated into te reo o te haukainga o Waiapu for ngā kura kaupapa Māori.  The production of Waiapu resources is a part of the five year Te Riu o Waiapu Matauranga strategy to increase the collective responsibility of whanau hapu in the education and achievement of our uri.  It is also a way for connecting and sharing home with our whānau away.

We are currently looking at avenues for electronic distribution and whanau can purchase copies for $6 plus postage, by contacting Ruihana Paenga ruihanapaenga@gmail.com