The Next Step of the Journey Begins - Results of TRONPnui 2015 Election Announced

The Next Step of the Journey Begins - Results of TRONPnui 2015 Election Announced
This election was about the future of our iwi. Not just the next four years but the long-term, intergenerational wellbeing of our people. The iwi has spoken through their votes, and now we look forward with confidence to the future.
January 15, 2024

Today the Chief Returning Officer, Anthony Morton from ElectionNZ officially announced the final results for the Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou 2015 Election of Elected Representatives.

Fourteen candidates were elected, from a field of thirty eight, to be the board of Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou for the next four years.

In 2011 the inaugural election for Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou was held and, until his passing in February of this year, Dr Apirana Mahuika led the organisation as Chairman.  Dr Mahuika was also the Chairman of the organisation’s predecessor, Te Runanga o Ngati Porou, for almost thirty years.

Chief Executive Herewini Te Koha said, “Firstly many thanks must go to all of those who voted and especially to those who encouraged others to vote. Also recognition must go out to all of the candidates who put themselves forward to serve their whanau, hapu and iwi. In this diverse and highly skilled range of candidates Ngati Porou have once again found a wealth of leadership to serve their people.

“Secondly congratulations to the fourteen Elected Representatives.  I look forward to working with the incoming board to implement its vision on behalf of all Ngati Porou. It is also important to acknowledge and thank the members of our Runanganui through it’s establishment phase.”

During the four week long voting process 4152 adult registered members participated in the election, compared to 2659 in the 2011 election.  Herewini Te Koha says, “We had more Ngati Porou voters turn out to have their say in this election, but we know we can all do much better. Our challenge is to make the Runanganui a real and valued part of the lives of our whanau. And, in turn, create real opportunities for our whanau to strengthen their connections to home.”

“This election was about the future of our iwi. Not just the next four years but the long-term, intergenerational wellbeing of our people. The iwi has spoken through their votes, and now we look forward with confidence to the future.”

Listen to the official announcement on Radio Ngati Porou

Click here to view the full election results