Toitu Ngati Porou Report for 2016 TRONPnui Annual Report

Toitu Ngati Porou Report for 2016 TRONPnui Annual Report
A clear message we received was the need to invest in Ngati Porou living at home and away from home. Everyone wants to “feel the love” or at least feel that they have been heard and that their aspirations as a Ngati Porou citizen will be accommodated at some stage.
January 10, 2024

Kei te mihi atu kia koutou katoa mo te manaaki mo te tiaki mo te poipoi i o koutou whanau, e tu rangatira a Ngati Porou i a koutou tonu i o koutou kainga i o koutou wahi mahi, i o koutou takatu i runga i te mata o te whenua.

Haruru ana te hinganga o te tangata i roto i te tau kua taha atu nei, na reira me whakaaro tatau kia ratau ka tika. E nga mate huhua o te wa kainga ,kei te motu whanui, haere,haere,haere, whakangaro atu ki te po ki reira okioki ai.

Aku nui, aku rahi, aku Poupou. Kia ora rawaatu koutou.


Ahakoa te pukahu o nga kaupapa, kare i tutuki te katoa i tumanakohia e te poari a Toitu Ngati Porou, engari i u te tino kaupapa, ara te rautaki reo o Ngati Porou, kei whea mai tēnei? Kei te oreore te iwi kainga o tena marae o tena marae te whakapaipai, te whakahou, te whakatika i o tatau marae kia pai ai te manaaki i a tatau me o tatau manuhiri.

Kei te whirinaki tonu to tatau Takawaenga a Marae ki te awhina atu i nga marae ki te whakakaupapa i nga rautaki e ora ai nga marae. Kua tu te waiwhai ki runga te nuinga o o tatau marae, hei hono atu ki te ao. I tēnei tau rua tekau ma wha o nga marae kua whai i te inihua kua whakatakotongia e Te Runanganui, he ngawari te nama engari ara noa atu nga hua hei oranga mo te marae.

Kei te wananga tonu te poari me Ngati Porou kei te kainga kei te whenua, i te rautaki matauranga mo nga toru tekau tau kei mua i a tatau. Ma nga korero e whai ake nei e whakamarama i etahi atu ahuatanga i oti i a matau me te mea nei ko Ngati Porou me ona karangaranga hapu kei mua i te aroaro i nga wa katoa, ahakoa te aha.


The Toitu NP balance sheet has net assets of $20.337 million of which $19.024 million are non-current assets comprising the intercompany loans from Toitu NP to TRONPnui that are locked in for a 4-year term and attracted annual interest of $1.300 million, based on market interest rates.

Toitu NP placed $1,050m of its cash with the parent, in lieu of placing it on term deposit. Toitu NP continued to be prudent in managing its governance costs within the 35% reduction in board sitting fees and bi-monthly meetings that it set for itself in 2015. This resulted in a further reduction of $9,000 in this financial year.

Management costs were maintained at $75,000 per year, a 20% reduction from the 2014 financial year. Toitu NP covers the full costs of the Marae Takawaenga, which totals $89,604 per annum and office operating costs of $2,800 per annum.

A total of $660,000 was paid out on marae grants, $20,000 on marae capital grants, $10,009 on Reo Strategy costs, $10,813 on the Ngati Porou Outcomes Measurement Project and $850 on koha and sponsorship for Inter-marae sports festival.


Toitu NP valued our engagement with whanau, hapu and taurahere over the year. A key theme emerging was the need for regular information sharing, because the information void will often be filled with korero that is inaccurate and not particularly helpful. A clear message we received was the need to invest in Ngati Porou living at home and away from home. Everyone wants to “feel the love” or at least feel that they have been heard and that their aspirations as a Ngati Porou citizen will be accommodated at some stage. Toitu NP will focus on 5 priorities over the next 12 months. These priorities are consistently raised by a broad cross section of whanau and hapū. They are also consistent with the views that Ngati Porou shared with Te Haeata, during their consultation with Ngati Porou between 2008–2012.



We will support Ngati Porou reo champions endorsed by their hapu, taurahere or other Ngati Porou reo collective, to promote the status of the reo and work with hapu to reinstate their own puna reo. We will target 100 Ngati Porou whanau/households to strengthen their reo and re-establish te reo as the language of first choice in their home. We will also focus on archiving, developing and sharing Ngati Porou reo resources and developing platforms that enable Natis who make the commitment to whakapakari o ratau reo, to access their reo from anywhere in the world.


Ngati Porou needs to rebuild its pipeline of knowledgeable, skilled, innovative citizens, to reawaken the “Maui Potiki” in us all. We need the workforce to power our cultural, economic, environmental and social engine rooms and to reconfirm the value of being part of stimulating the Ngati Porou learning and learned community.


Toitu NP is leading the implementation of the NPOMF on behalf of the TRONPnui group. The NPOMF will support business units to establish specific performance targets, within Business and Strategic Plans, based on current data. Efficient access to ongoing data will enable management and governance to maintain line of sight of performance and evidence progress and improvements across the TRONPnui’s key development Pou. Toitu NP has established a partnership with Statistics NZ and a Catalyst Project with the NZ Data Futures Partnership, to advance the NPOMF and provide feedback into Government Policy on the access, use and ownership of data.


This includes support for the arts, financial literacy and entrepreneurial programs for whanau who contribute to “to tatau Ngati Poroutanga” and foster that same passion in other Natis. We want to also invest in whanau enterprise and SMEs to enhance and/or improve the income levels and economic independence of our people. Ngati Porou people living at home have one of the lowest median household income levels in the country, at approx. $14,000 per annum. The median household income across the total NZ population is $68,600 per annum.

To progress these priorities Toitu NP has negotiated a $0.968 million distribution dividend from TRONPnui. The TRONPnui will also pay $0.500 million to Toitu NP as a repayment on the intercompany loan. We will access the first $250,000 of the Ngati Porou Reo funding approved by the TRONPnui in 2015. We will also seek external funding of approx. $250,000 to invest in the following activities:

• Ngati Porou Marae Grants approx. $1.1 million

• Te Reo ake o Ngati Porou approx. $0.250 million

• Cultural Development Investments $0.150 million

• Ngati Porou Outcomes Framework $0.150 million

• Ngati Porou Matauranga (and Education) Strategy $0.050 million

As part of our cost reduction drive we will reduce from a board of 7 members to a board of 5, scale back our home-based meetings to quarterly meetings and increase our use of multi-media to conduct special board meetings.

In closing I acknowledge my fellow Toitu NP board members, particularly retiring board members Barry Soutar and Tina Porou who have both contributed significantly to the quality of the critical thinking and analysis of the board, as we navigated our way through the challenges of the past three years. It is fitting that we pay tribute to the TRONPnui Board and the Directors of the Ngati Porou Holding Company for their guidance and their increasing awareness of the unique contribution that Toitu NP makes to the Ngati Porou group. My final thanks are to our CE, Board Secretary and Marae Kaitakawaenga who have endeavoured to provide us with the quality of support that we have required, notwithstanding the huge demands on their time and efforts.

Ki a koutou Ngati Porou, ko koutou te hunga kei te Kei o tenei waka, ko matou o koutou pononga.

Toitu Ngati Porou, to tatau reo, o tatau tikanga, whakapumautia nga kawai tangata, kia tu pakari, kia tu motuhake a Ngati Porou mo ake tonu.

Noho ora mai,

Amohaere Houkamau
Toitu Ngati Porou

To read the other reports from TRONPnui's 2016 Annual Report, as well as other supporting AGM material. Please click here.

Listen to Radio Ngati Porou's Hui A Tau interviews with TRONPnui representatives

TRONPnui representatives have been interviewed on RNP's Nga Take o te Wa current affairs show, in the lead up to the Hui a Tau. Radio Ngati Porou have made the interviews available on their SoundCloud account for those who were unable to listen to the live interviews.

Amohaere Houkamau (Toitu Ngati Porou Chair)