TRONPnui Hui a Tau 2014

TRONPnui Hui a Tau 2014
The fourth TRONPnui AGM, approximately 200 people gathered at Pakirikiri marae in Tokomaru Bay to listen to korero and ask questions about the parent organisation and its entities
January 25, 2024

Building the Nati Nation, a high level overview of the Runanganui’s achievements by TRONPnui CEO Teepa Wawatai, set the scene for the presentations which followed at the 2014 Hui a Tau.

The fourth TRONPnui AGM, approximately 200 people gathered at Pakirikiri marae in Tokomaru Bay to listen to korero and ask questions about the parent organisation and its entities. Broadcast live by Radio Ngati Porou, some of the highlights for the day included the launch of Nati Insure and and a preview of a new smoked fish product by Ngati Porou Seafood Group.

A copy of the financial statements and reports from each of the governance, operational and subsidary divisions can be found in this years Annual Report.