TRONPnui Hui a Tau (AGM) - 1 December 2018

The 2018 Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou Hui a Tau (AGM) provides the opportunity for Ngati Porou Iwi members to engage directly with the organisation’s cultural, social, health and commercial divisions. Ngati Porou Whanau and hapu members are welcome to attend the upcoming Hui a Tau.

Date:      Saturday, 1 December 2018
Venue:   Iritekura Marae, Waipiro Bay
Kapu ti: 9.30am
Start:     10.00am


  1. Karakia, mihi, apologies, opening statement
  2. Approval of Minutes for Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou AGM held 25 November 2017
  3. Report on the operations of the Ngati Porou Group for the 2017/2018 Income Year
  4. Presentation of Annual Report and audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the Ngati Porou Group for the 2017/2018 Income Year
  5. Presentation of the Five Year Strategic Plan & progress of the Annual Plan of Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou
  6. Appointment of Auditor for the 2018/2019 Income Year
  7. General Business

Lunch will be provided during the course of the day

Transportation within the Ngati Porou rohe will be available.
Please contact Helaina Makiri on 06 867 9960 if you have transportation enquires.

The 2018 TRONPnui Full Financial Statements to be presented to the AGM can be inspected online at or click here.  
Due to delays in the production of this year's accompanying Annual Report, digital copies of the remaining material will be uploaded to our online platforms and emailed to registered iwi members as soon as possible. Printed copies will be available at the AGM.

Download AGM Notice