Year in review: TRONPnui reports back to the Iwi

Year in review: TRONPnui reports back to the Iwi
Supporting whanau development to achieve the collective aspirations of the Iwi lies at the heart of Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou Group.
January 10, 2024

“Te Pakaritanga o te whanau” (the strength base of whanau), is the kaupapa underpinning the 2016 edition of Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou’s annual report.

Supporting whanau development to achieve the collective aspirations of the Iwi lies at the heart of Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou Group, and this year’s annual report reflects the broad range of activities conducted by the Runanganui and its subsidiaries (including Toitu Ngati Porou, Ngati Porou Hauora and Ngati Porou Holding Company) to help achieve these aspirations. The annual report was released ahead of the Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou Hui a Tau (Annual General Meeting), which was held at Uepohatu in Ruatoria on Saturday the 26th of November.

Accompanying the annual report in a separate publication, are the full audited financial statements of Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou Group for the 2015/2016 period.



The newly elected board of Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou officially began their new roles in December 2015, and set about the task of confirming its main focus and priorities for its four-year term. The new board’s main focus was to create, and grow, annual financial surpluses from TRONPnui’s operation to apply to Ngati Porou development. To do so it set the clear expectation that, within two years, TRONPnui would be living within its annual income rather than running deficits. Making immediate inroads has been challenging given the breadth and size of operation that TRONPnui has become.


When the new Board took office TRONPnui’s operating deficit for the year stood at $700,000 and was forecast to reach $1m by the end of June. Over the following seven months the board and management kept its deficit in check and, by 30 June 2016, had clawed it back by ten percent. The parent and subsidiary boards led by example by reducing costs and volunteering many extra hours to keep important projects moving forward.


While coping with its own significant financial stresses, Ngati Porou Hauora continued to provide GP services and other primary health care to over 9,000 residents on the East Coast and in Gisborne. Over the last 18 months Ngati Porou Hauora’s quarterly performance results have ranked in the top 5 PHOs more often than any other PHO in the country, particularly for the Minister’s health targets for Better Help for Smokers to Quit and More Hearts and Diabetes Checks.


This year our social services arm, Whanau Oranga, delivered more than twenty different programmes and services to people and whanau within our communities. The services on offer were accessed by 3,800 people, including 1,550 that received intensive support.


Toitu Ngati Porou completed the third year of TRONPnui’s marae development programme, paying out $0.7m in marae grants and approving a further $0.2m. Toitu Ngati Porou also finalised the long-term revitalisation strategy for te reo ake o Ngati Porou, as well as an initial plan of action.


TRONPnui’s commercial subsidiary, Ngati Porou Holding Company Ltd (NPHCL), managed the Group’s commercial assets through a very testing year. At the end of 2015 global markets were affected by a down-turn in the Chinese economy and, in June, the UK ‘Brexit’ sent share markets tumbling. ‘Brexit’ wiped out around $4m in our Group earnings but those earnings were largely recovered when markets rebounded in July. Without the rebound a $0.4m profit was still achieved while the Group’s net assets grew by $1m. The Year End result was helped by the greater emphasis NPHCL’s own subsidiaries gave to containing costs, lifting profitability and exploring new markets.

To read the annual report and full financial statements, copies of the publication can be picked up from the Runanganui’s Gisborne and Ruatoria office sites, or downloaded from: