Nati News

TRONPnui 2015 Election - Voting Has Officially Closed

Te Panui o Te Poari September Edition Online Now

Joint Management Agreement between the Gisborne District Council and Ngati Porou approved

Candidates share their vision for Ngati porou iwi

Te Whakataunga o Ngā Marae o Te Riu o Waiapu

Wai Maori Joint Management Agreement - A first for the country

Iwi’s hub for the future

Te Whakatuwhera Whare o Te Tini o Porou

Ten Patai: Meka Whaitiri

Confirmed Canidate list for the 2015 Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou 2015 Election

Get on the waka now whanau says new TRONPnui CE