Over the weekend the journey to provide legal mechanisms to protect the mana moana of nga hapu o Ngati Porou reached a major milestone, with the completion of the first round of Takutaimoana ratification hui.
Four hapu cluster hui were held in Te Araroa, Hiruharama, Tolaga Bay and Tokomaru Bay. The hui provided the opportunity for whanau and hapu members from those clusters to support amendments to the 2008 Nga Hapu o Ngati Porou Foreshore and Seabed Deed of Agreement and the establishment of cluster-based hapu trusts to exercise hapu foreshore and seabed rights that flow from the Deed.
The first four hui were well-attended, and robust discussion and debate was had among hapu members. In all, 20 hapu considered the two ratification resolutions which were put to the hui. As a result, 18 hapu voted in favour of changes to the Deed and the hapu cluster trusts, while 2 hapu voted against.
The hapu that attended the hui at Hauiti Marae decided to defer any consideration of the resolutions so that they could take more time to consider what is being proposed.
Te Whanau a Ruataupare representatives have signalled that they will hold further hapu hui.
Rei Kohere, Chairperson of the Nga Hapu o Ngati Porou Foreshore & Seabed Committee says the completion of the first round of hui represents a major milestone for hapu in the long journey to affirm their mana over the takutai moana in their rohe.
“Now that we are part way through the ratification process, we are a step closer towards the establishment of legislation which recognises the traditional fisheries management practices and authority of hapu.”
The Nga Hapu o Ngati Porou Foreshore and Seabed Deed of Agreement was originally ratified and signed at Parliament in October 2008 by representatives from 60 hapu. However due to the replacement of the Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004, with the Marine and Coastal Act (MACA) 2011, progress on transforming the Deed of Agreement into legislation has been delayed. During this time the original Deed has been reviewed and amended to reflect improvements under the MACA Act 2011, and to also establish trusts or “management arrangements” to undertake administrative responsibilities under the Deed on behalf of each hapu cluster.
Potikirua ki Whangaokeno – Hinerupe Marae, 21 January 2017: (Te Whanau a Tapaeururangi, Te Whanau a Tuwhakairiora, Te Whanau a Te Aotaki, Te Whanau a Kahu, Ngai Tamakoro, Ngai Tuere, Te Whanau a Te Aopare, Te Whanau a Hinerupe, Te Whanau a Te Aotaihi, Te Whanau a Hunaara, Te Whanau a Tarahauiti)
Rahuimanuka ki Mataahu – Hiruharama Marae, Saturday 21 January 2017:(Te Aitanga a Mate, Te Aowera, Te Whanau a Hinekehu)
Kokoronui ki Te Toka a Taiau - Hauiti Marae, 22 January 2017:(Ngati Hau, Ngati Ira, Ngati Wakarara, Ngai Tutekohi, Ngati Kahukuranui, Te Aitanga a Hauiti, Te Whanau a Te Rangipureora, Ngati Patuwhare, Ngati Konohi, Ngati Oneone, Ngati Kuranui)
Mataahu ki Kokoronui - Waipapara Marae, 22 January 2017: (Ngai Taharora, Te Whanau a Iritekura, Te Whanau a Rakairoa, Te Whanau a Te Haemata, Te Whanau a Te Aotawarirangi, Te Whanau a Ruataupare)
Whangaokeno ki Onepoto: Te Whanau a Takimoana, Te Whanau a Tapuhi, Te Whanau a Tinatoka, Te Whanau a Rerewa, Ngati Hokopu, Te Whanau a Rakaimataura, Ngati Putaanga, Ngati Nua, Te Whanau a Ngai Tane, Te Whanau a Hinepare, Te Whanau a Karuai, Te Whanau a Hinerupe ki Waiapu, Te Whanau a Uruahi, Te Whanau a Pokai, Te Whanau a Rakaihoea, Ngati Horowai, Te Whanau a Mahaki, Te Whanau a Uruhonea, Te Whanau a Hineauta.
Onepoto ki Rahuimanuka: Ngai Tangihaere, Ngati Rangi, Ngati Uepohatu, Te Whanau a Umuariki, Te Whanau a Ruataupare ki Tuparoa, Te Whanau a Hinetapora, Te Whanau a Hinekehu.
Kokoronui ki Te Toka a Taiau (a decision on whether to ratify the Deed to Amend was deferred on 22 January 2017, see above: Ngati Hau, Ngati Ira, Ngati Wakarara, Ngai Tutekohi, Ngati Kahukuranui, Te Aitanga a Hauiti, Te Whanau a Te Rangipureora, Ngati Patuwhare, Ngati Konohi, Ngati Oneone, Ngati Kuranui.
Please visit Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou’s website: www.ngatiporou.com/takutaimoana or email: takutaimoana@tronp.org.nz or telephone Albie McFarlane or Jacqui Ata on 06 867 9960.
Please contact your hapu representatives and keep an eye on newspaper panui and your usual hapu and whanau networks for notice of further hapu hui. All further ratification hui will formally notified in newspapers, and on radio, and Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou’s website and Facebook page.