Waiapu endorse Takutaimoana Deed Amendments and establish new Trust

After both resolutions had been passed, the trustees of the inaugural Whangaokena ki Onepoto Takutai Kaitiaki Trust were introduced and endorsed.

The second wave of takutaimoana ratification hui involved hapu from both sides of the Waiapu river coming together in acknowledgment of their shared kaitiakitanga interests.

On Sunday 19th March whanau and hapu members from Whangaokeno ki Onepoto met at Rahui marae in Tikitiki to decide whether to support or not support the Deed to Amend the Nga Hapu o Ngati Porou Foreshore and Seabed Deed 2008.  In January the first wave of takutaimoana ratification hui were held with four hapu cluster groups in Te Araroa, Hiruharama, Tolaga Bay and Tokomaru Bay.

Almost 60 hapu members representing 19 hapu from Whangaokena ki Onepoto attended the hui at Rahui marae in March.Almost 60 hapu members representing 19 hapu from Whangaokena ki Onepoto, attended the hui and voted in favour of the two resolutions presented at the meeting.  All attendees present at the hui unanimously agreed to support the amendments to the 2008 Nga Hapu o Ngati Porou Foreshore and Seabed Deed of Agreement and the establishment of a hapu cluster based trust to exercise hapu foreshore and seabed rights that flow from the Deed.

After both resolutions had been passed, the trustees of the inaugural Whangaokena ki Onepoto Takutai Kaitiaki Trust were introduced and endorsed. The seven trustees were selected by the hapu at a hui at Hinepare marae that had been held earlier to discuss the ratification kaupapa. Ruihana Paenga was one of new trustees introduced, and in an interview conducted later with Radio Ngati Porou she described some of the mahi they will undertake in the short and long term.

"As a result of the Deed it triggers off a whole lot of work that needs to be done", said Ruihana. "Customary fisheries plans; establishing bylaws to give legal effect to concepts like rahui; working with the GDC to acknowledge the mana our hapu have over their takutai moana, in respect of any resource consents they may have in our rohe."

Inaugural trustees of the Whangaokena ki Onepoto Takutai Kaitiaki Trust. (L-R) Eddie Green, Peter Fox, Dick Turei, Ruihana Paenga, Wiremu Kaa (Jr), Ben Banks (Absent: Dean Moana).

The next takutaimoana ratification hui will be held at 11am on  Sunday 21st May at Uepohatu in Ruatoria for the Onepoto ki Rahuimanuka hapu cluster representing:  Ngai Tangihaere, Ngati Rangi, Ngati Uepohatu, Te Whanau a Umuariki, Te Whanau a Ruataupare ki Tuparoa, Te Whanau a Hinetapora, Te Whanau a Hinekehu.

For more info go to:

Whangaokeno ki Onepoto – The following hapu voted unanimously to ratify the amended Deed and the trust deed of the hapu cluster trust.

Te Whanau a Takimoana

Te Whanau a Tapuhi

Te Whanau a Tinatoka

Te Whanau a Rerewa

Ngati Hokopu

Te Whanau a Rakaimataura

Ngati Putaanga

Ngati Nua

Te Whanau a Ngai Tane

Te Whanau a Hinepare

Te Whanau a Karuai

Te Whanau a Hinerupe ki Waiapu

Te Whanau a Uruahi

Te Whanau a Pokai

Te Whanau a Rakaihoea

Ngati Horowai

Te Whanau a Mahaki

Te Whanau a Uruhonea

Te Whanau a Hineauta