TRONPnui Trust Deed review: Preliminary Report now available

TRONPnui Trust Deed review: Preliminary Report now available
In receiving this first report the Board sees real scope to address its suite of recommendations, though it recognises that further feedback will come from the readers of this report and via the second stage of consultation in August and September.
January 9, 2024

The TRONPnui Board is pleased to release the first report on its review of the TRONPnui Trust Deed.  The Board acknowledges David Gray, the independent reviewer, for the effort he has made to prepare a report that is very informative and timely.

The Board has released the report so that Ngati Porou members can get an understanding of the feedback gathered up so far on the Trust Deed and other aspects relating to TRONPnui.   The report is based on views and submissions received from the initial series of 10 consultation hui (with over 300 participants); written and oral submissions from Ngati Porou persons and collectives (72 submissions in all); and responses from Ngati Porou to a survey sheet (73 responses received).  As the report says, these are not big numbers for an iwi of Ngati Porou’s size, but TRONPnui appreciates the time and effort each participant has put in to have their say and help shape the Board’s views.

The Trust Deed review is, first and foremost, about the TRONPnui Trust Deed and how the model of representation, registration, voting and accountability requirements set out in the Trust Deed can be improved upon.   However, hui participants and submitters understandably gave feedback on a range of matters that are not necessarily about the Trust Deed.  Kei te pai tera. The Board is open to what Ngati Porou members have to say that can help improve TRONPnui’s long-term effectiveness for Ngati Porou as an iwi.

The independent reviewer’s approach to the report has been to present the main themes from the feedback, so far, and make recommendations on those themes. His report does not strictly separate the themes that relate to the Trust Deed from the themes that relate to wider matters.

Matters concerning the Trust Deed include:

Wider matters covered in the report include:

In receiving this first report the Board sees real scope to address its suite of recommendations, though it recognises that further feedback will come from the readers of this report and via the second stage of consultation in August and September.  For example, members will see that one submission proposed a new model of representation based on Ngati Porou census populations across Aotearoa.  The Board is keen to hear from Ngati Porou members on the support for this type of model, or if there are other models they want to put forward.

There is one final point to accompany the release of this report.  The Board asked David, the independent reviewer, to remove information from the report that might breach the privacy of real persons.  The final decision on this request, and on the report made available, is his.

Kia ora.

Herewini Te Koha

Chief Executive

Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou