Mana Moana Guide to Nga Hapu o Ngati Porou Foreshore & Seabed Deed to Amend

December 2016


This guide has been prepared to help hapu members
navigate the key principles and instruments of the Nga Hapu o Ngati Porou Foreshore & Seabed
amended Deed. The kaupapa covered within this
publication include:
• the background to the Deed of Agreement between nga
hapu o Ngati Porou and the Crown;
• how the amended Deed of Agreement is expected to
provide better legal protections for nga hapu o Ngati
Porou over their rohe moana;
• how the ratification process will be administered and
what will happen after ratification.

Download the Mana Moana Guide to Nga Hapu o Ngati Porou FSSB Deed to Amend (Single pages) by clicking this link
