Nati News

Hapu and Crown sign updated Takutaimoana Deed of Agreement

TRONPnui Trust Deed review: Preliminary Report now available

Takutaimoana Ratification hui for Ngati Oneone

Ngati Porou Reo Champion Nomination process now open

Community engagement hui about Hikurangi Subduction earthquakes & slip behaviour research project

Nga hapu o Ngati Porou Deed to Amend the Foreshore and Seabed Deed of Agreement 2008 Notice of Ratification hui

Takutaimoana Ratification Hui Notification- Nga hapu mai i Onepoto ki Rahuimanuka

Waiapu endorse Takutaimoana Deed Amendments and establish new Trust

JOIN THE CONVERSATION: TRONPnui Trust Deed Review Call for Submissions

Pathway forward for Ngati Porou economic success

Ngati Porou a major contributor to future of Tairawhiti economy

Takutaimoana Ratification Hui Notification- Nga hapu mai i Whangaokeno ki Onepoto